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Notice 10-23-2024 : We are pleased to announce the launch of our new municipal website, designed to provide residents easy access to information about upcoming events, meetings, and important documents.

News & Notices

We are a Town in transition, and it seems like we always have been.  We began as a railhead and logging community, became a farming community as the land was cleared, marketed and sold as “Happyland;” and we have now become a bedroom community, early retirement homeplace, and vacation retreat.  While logging is still an important industry in our area, farming has taken a back seat, and recreation is primary.

We are the largest Town in the State of Wisconsin and, possibly, in the United States. For more about the Town of Winter please visit the “About Us” section.

Just another note:  All of the photos used in this web site were taken in the Town unless otherwise noted.

Upcoming Events


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